Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Harus 8 Gelas Air Putih

Kita semestinya minum air minimal 8 gelas per hari. Anjuran ini sudah sangat sering diungkapkan para ahli. Selain agar terhindar dari dehidrasi, kita perlu mencukupi kebutuhan air demi membantu metabolisme. Tak lupa, untuk memperlancar proses pencernaan di tubuh.

Namun, terkadang kita lupa bahwa jumlah minimal yang disebut itu mengacu pada air putih, bukan air jenis lain. Melegakan dahaga dengan es teh manis, jus buah, es sirup, es kopi, soda diet, ataupun minuman berisotonik, sebenarnya tak termasuk dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan cairan 8 gelas per hari. Justru, studi dari University Texas Health Science Center memperlihatkan, orang yang minum soda diet setiap hari selama tujuh tahun, punya potensi sebesar 41 persen untuk bertambah berat badan. Ini dibandingkan dengan mereka yang tak minum soda. Itu bisa terjadi karena segala minuman yang rasanya manis mengandung kalori. Jika kita mengonsumsinya secara rutin, akan mempengaruhi berat badan.

Yang semestinya dilakukan:
Biasakan minum air putih kapan pun dan dimana pun. Termasuk saat kita makan di restoran. Jika kita penyuka teh atau kopi, bukan berarti harus menghindarinya sama sekali. Boleh saja kita mengonsumsi kedua minuman itu, asal tidak ditambahkan gula. Beralih pada gula buatan atau yang rendah kalori juga bukan solusi terbaik. Untuk menambah rasa pada air putih, kita bisa menambahkan perasan lemon. Ini sudah pasti aman dan tidak berbahaya bagi berat badan.
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Beautiful Japanese Tattoos for Girls

From beautiful, exotic flowers to fierce Japanese dragon tattoos, or even large intricately designed samurai warriors, Japanese tattoo symbols and designs work for everyone and anyone. A Japanese koi fish tattoo swimming lazily across a woman's hip, a tiny ring of beautiful cherry blossoms fused together as an armband or at the ankle, a fierce looking emerald serpent slithering up someone's calf, or a samurai warrior and a lady embracing on a back – as wonderful as this art of Horimono seems to be – you might very well find yourself being lured into getting all of these beautiful Japanese symbols and designs made on your body.

Beautiful Japanese Tattoo for Girls
Beautiful Japanese Tattoo for Girls

Beautiful Japanese Tattoo for Girls
Beautiful Japanese Tattoo for Girls

Beautiful Japanese Tattoo for Girls
Beautiful Japanese butterfly Tattoo

Beautiful Japanese Tattoo for Girls
Beautiful Japanese Tattoo for Girls

Beautiful Japanese Tattoo for Girls
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Oxis International, Inc. is the premier nutra c eutical provider for a potent antioxidant, Ergothioneine. Extensive data has been obtained by researchers worldwide on the presence of l-ergothioneine in human tissues. In addition to this potent antioxidant, Oxis also has an extensive patent portfolio and a portfolio of therapeutic compounds.
OXIS International, Inc. is engaged in the research, development and sale of products that counteract the harmful effects of “oxidative stress.”

Oxidative stress refers to the situations in which the body’s antioxidant and other defensive abilities to combat free radicals (a.k.a highly reactive species of oxygen and nitrogen) are overwhelmed and one’s normal healthy balance is either lost or severely compromised
Our products include therapeutic nutraceutical products, There are also anti aging, cosmeceutical products and proprietary formulations and clinical products that are developed internally and/or ou t-licensed to biotech and pharmaceutical companies as drug candidates.

We focus o n naturally occurring protective substances since they are more likely to be both safe and efficacio us. Our primary products incorporate and emphasize the multifaceted “super antioxidant” compound, L- Ergothioneine (“ERGO”), as a key component. We own several patents and pending applications related to ERGO that cover current and planned products relevant to our nutraceutical and cosmecuetical businesses. Our patents and patent applications address ERGO’s protective effects and activities and the ERGO manufacturing process.

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Tiger Tattoo Designs - Meaning and Ideas

One of the most popular type of tattoo tiger tattoo today. They essentially represent power, but also can have other meanings. For the Japanese samurai, the tiger was used as a character. If you are thinking about obtaining a tiger tattoo, you should know that it is usually determined on a fairly large size. Most chose the place for it is the biceps, because the primary importance is power.

When people think about the Tigers, the first things that come to mind are the strength and courage, but there are other things they represent. Beauty, pride, passion and sensuality, are just some of the many symbols of the tiger might suggest. Unfortunate decline in the tigers only have even more popular amongst tattoo enthusiasts. Tigers are one of the endangered species, and there are plenty of people who fight for their protection. There are fewer than five thousand tigers in Asia and the fear that at some point may disappear completely from the surface, which would be incredibly sad reality.

Usually the colors used for tiger tattoos are black, gold and yellow. However, you can find patterns that are much more complex and use other colors too, but remember that tattoos are more difficult it will get more expensive. So the best way to proceed is to get the design that you like, print it and show it to the tattoo artist. If the design is complicated, you should also do your research on the artist. I sure would not want a tattoo go differently than you expected.

So if you think the tiger represents you and you like the look of this type of tattoo, I see no reason why you should not do. Many people choose a design based on what they believe and less on what it looks like.
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Beautiful Female Japanese Tattoos

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Miami Ink Angel Tattoo

Miami Ink Angel Tattoo

Miami Ink Angel Tattoo | Assuming that you have selected the angel tattoo as your first or next tattoo, now the most difficult part begins. How to find the lots of angel tattoo sketches? Finding the extraordinary sketches of angel tattoo design is not easy. Your best bet is internet.

Internet is very powerful medium if used properly. Easiest way to find the angel tattoo design is using the search engine like Yahoo, Google, MSN etc.

Writing the common term like “angel tattoo design” or “free angel tattoo design” in search box of any search engine will reveal millions of websites. If you have time and patience then open each one and find out whether they have your dream angel tattoo design.

There is one easy way to find your dream angel tattoo design online for people like me. Instead of wasting your time on browsing lots of website that offers free designs, if you become the member of tattoo design gallery then you not only save your time but in the long run you will save money too.

Finding the good membership site is not easy. Since, it is not possible to see the sketches of membership site unless you become the member. My advice is before spending any money on any membership site you must read review of it. Since there are many tattoo design membership sites that are outright scam.

Another way to find good angel tattoo design on line is to post the question in to the general forums like yahoo answers or particular tattoo forums. It is always good to know how others find their tattoo design. You can also browse the archives of these forums to find many reviews and information regarding angel tattoo designs.

Help answer the question about angel tattoo
Does anyone know where I can find a picture of a specific angel tattoo?
I saw this picture months ago online, but cannot find it again. It is a picture of a small angel tattoo, on someone's hip. The tattoo is black, and is very simple, almost a sketch, with very little detail (no facial features, etc). The angel is throwing her arms back, and kneeling. If anyone knows where to find this tattoo, I would love the link. Thanks!

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bahaya Mengunyah Es Batu

Bagi sebagian orang, menggigit es batu pasti akan terasa ngilu. Namun bagi sebagian yang lain, menggigit -bahkan mengunyah- es batu justru terasa mengasyikkan. Ketika minuman di dalam gelas sudah tandas, orang ini lantas dengan asyik mengunyah es batu yang tersisa, menimbulkan suara gemerutuk.

Apa sih, asyiknya mengunyah dan meremukkan es batu seperti itu?

Sederhana saja, sebagian orang hanya menikmati mengunyah sesuatu yang dingin di dalam mulut. Orang yang lain menyukainya karena ada rasa dingin yang tiba-tiba muncul, menggantikan rasa panas di dalam mulut.

Alasan tersebut tentu membuat Anda geleng-geleng kepala. Nah, bagaimana bila Anda mengetahui bahwa kebiasaan mengunyah es batu ternyata merupakan gejala masalah kesehatan tertentu?

Anahad O'Connor, kolumnis harian The New York Times, belum lama ini menulis sebuah artikel yang mengaitkan kebiasaan mengunyah es batu dengan anemia.

"Para peneliti sebenarnya tidak benar-benar memahami kaitannya, tetapi beberapa di antara mereka mencurigai bahwa konsumsi es yang kompulsif -yang disebut pagophagia- meringankan peradangan di mulut yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya kadar zat besi dalam tubuh," begitu tulisnya.

Dari pengalaman para dokter, pasien yang mengaku mengidap kebiasaan ini ternyata memang menunjukkan rendahnya kadar hemoglobin, setelah dilakukan tes darah. Kondisi inilah yang disebut dengan pagophagia tersebut, yang mengindikasikan kurangnya kadar zat besi dalam darah.

Ternyata, cukup banyak pembaca kolomnya yang memiliki pengalaman semacam itu. Seorang perempuan bernama Nancy meninggalkan pesan di bawah artikel tersebut.

"Itu memang suatu dorongan buat saya," tulis Nancy. "Saya mengunyah es sampai tiga gigi saya rusak, dan harus membuang uang untuk memperbaikinya. Saya lalu didiagnosa dengan anemia yang parah, mulai mengonsumsi zat besi, dan harus menjalani prosedur ablasi. Sejak saat itu saya tidak pernah ingin sepotong es sama sekali."

Kerusakan gigi tampaknya memang merupakan efek langsung dari kebiasaan mengunyah es batu. Es bisa mengikis enamel gigi, begitu menurut Dr Igal Elyassi, ahli kosmetika gigi dan pemilik Wilshire Smile Studio Dental Group di Los Angeles. Menurut Elyassi, kerusakan itu akibat aktivitas gigi dalam upaya memecahkan substansi yang keras dalam waktu lama. Hal ini memberi pengaruh yang sama dengan kebiasaan orang menggeratakkan gigi saat tidur. Akibatnya, gigi yang terkena bisa menjadi lebih pendek. Atau, ketika Anda mengunyah es dalam jumlah banyak, bisa-bisa seluruh gigi Anda bisa rontok.

Pada situs MSN, Elyassi mengatakan bahwa sebenarnya kebiasaan ini tidak sulit dihentikan. Ia menyarankan untuk mengganti es batu dengan minuman yang dingin. Sementara itu, gigi yang rusak bisa diatasi dengan pemakaian pelapis atau jaket gigi.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Viva World Cup south Africa player tattoos

1. England player

David Beckham cross tattoo in back neck
wayne rooney tattoo

wayne rooney tattoo Pictures, Images and Photos

2. Italian player

Marco Materazzi tattoos

Fabio Cannavaro Tattoos

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Fernando Torres tattoos

Fernando Torres is a Spanish football player and now player of the Liverpool.He was born in the Fuenlabrada neighbourhood, traditionally Real Madrid territory, but he grew up to wear the red liverpool. Nicknamed El Niño (The Kid) for his youthful face, Torres is a striker for the Spanish National Team and liverpool, where he is considered to be one of their best players ever.

Fernando Torres tattoos in arms

Fernando Torres with atletico madrid wear

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Polynesian Turtle Tattoo

Polynesian Turtle Tattoo
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Polynesian Turtle Tattoo

Polynesian Turtle TattooPolynesian Turtle Tattoo
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Tribal Leg Sleeve Tattoo

Tribal Leg Sleeve
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Tribal Leg Sleeve Tattoo

Tribal Leg Sleeve TattooTribal Leg Sleeve
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Tribal lower back

Sexy Tribal lower back
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Tribal lower back

Tribal lower backSexy Tribal lower back
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Hand Japanese Tattoos

Hand Japanese Tattoos
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Japanese Tattoo Meanings

Japanese Tattoo Meanings 1

Japanese Tattoo Meanings

Japanese Tattoo Meanings 2
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Monday, June 21, 2010

Tattoo Choices - How to Choose a Tattoo

The choice of tattoo is very important. Here are three ways to choose how to tattoo the right way.

Nature - As the ink on your personality, this is a great choice. If you are outgoing and want to reflect that in ink, then you can choose a strong bold design that speaks strongly to the skin. If you have a relaxing, discreet, or ninja-like, then fine, but powerful design can work. Something that does not scream, but has its own strengths and work. You can keep both properties? You can choose a design that is both, or in two different versions of your show different sides.

Objectives - What you try to? What are some of the qualities you're looking for? Your selection of tattoos on your goals, or strive to be a great idea for ink.
Think of the powerful features that you want to represent and remember on a daily basis. It really is a great tool to always remember your goals, or personality traits that you want to be, and then press to achieve them.

Individuals - People who want to remember, or people who have inspired your ideal tattoo. No need to keep a straight face and name representations, but rather you can select a symbol or design that corresponds to that person. It may be for personal use only clear to you, or you can choose a clearer presentation of how the person or name.
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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Picture of angel wing tattoos

Angel wing tattoos

Best angel wing tattoos

Back angel wing tattoos

Back angel wing tattoos for men
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The Best Source For Tribal Tattoo Designs For Men

Best tribal tattoos

Men tribal tattoos

Tribal tattoos for men

Upper back tribal tattoos
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Script and Tattoo Lettering Designs

Meaningful art written in words

Tattoos by letter and script design was popular in the past bikers and prison inmates. But today many people in all walks of life to get this tattoo style that makes it even more popular. Tattoo lovers find much meaningful use of letters and write in their designs. Individuals usually get letters tattoos they want to say something dear or to express them. Some people want names by script or add characters, because it is a simple way to explain using words instead of a picture representing design.

Script letters are striking and hold deep meaning are the words they use. Individuals and letters written to use tattoos different messages across and even dates of many special occasions. Script and letter tattoos can be used in a memorial tattoo, a memorial tattoo, tattoo a birthday, a birth of a baby tattoo and many other special moments in life that people want to close as a souvenir of remembrance. Quote tattoos are in the same rich use of both letters and writing. Famous verse from the Bible sometimes tattooed. Familiar and known as saying "Only God can judge me" or quotes from a famous poet has some favorites.

Like most other tattoos are always personality added to the overall design. The size of the tattoo can be simple and small as a name to add to the banner of a heart tattoo or it may be enormous, like adding a name or a bid along the stretch of the back shoulder to shoulder with capital letters. A script letter or tattoo can be mixed with many other tattoo designs as well. Use letters and the script is a tattoo design attractive and appealing.

Finding the right style and the font can be easily done simply by selecting those you like best or your characters can be customized to your taste. A wide range of fonts can be found online. A good place to start looking for fun online font ideas for a tattoo is DaFont dot com, or visit your local library. You can use your tattoo artist to design something to your taste using their own talents and skills.

10 most popular characters and the font used for tattoos:

First Old English
Stem second-
3rd Clean Scripture
4th Italic
5th Old School
Roman 6th
7th Gothic
8th Handwritten
9th Celtic
10th Graffiti

Letters and script tattoos can be inked with bold colors or all black. Good detail shading adds much character and elegance with the letters them more conspicuous. Letters can also be decorated with beautiful scroll work to further strengthen them, the choice is yours. So if your thinking of getting a new tattoo with the letters and scripts you need to spend some time on your decision about which style font is a good choice for you and your tattoo designs.
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