Thursday, July 29, 2010
Pictures of Tattoos - What to Look For in Artwork Galleries

First and foremost, you need to see what kind of artwork in the gallery and. Once you find a couple of places, and check to see if they have the real artists make their art. If you have this, and this is a sure sign that the show cares about what they put on their site.
If this sounds like a bit of time too long for you, and this because it may be. That's why I do not end here article. You can pretty much forget what we talked only about, I am about to show you how to get directly to the galleries better I was talking just now. It involves the use of force in large forums, which is amazingly good to supply you with links and names to each site one work of art you need to know about when looking for great pictures of tattoos.
These are some of the most basic tips that can be imagined, but it has always worked for me when looking for images as clear as the sun tattoo.
Pictures of Cross Tattoos - Where to Find the Best
Are you looking for pictures of cross tattoos so you can take one of the shop for a tattoo because it has occurred? If so, make sure you get the design of high quality. Not make many of the images that you find on the internet for tattoo designs.

By searching online for a tattoo design galleries pictures of your tattoo across, and you know you are getting high quality designs, and can find just the tattoo you. Must have tattoos make a statement. It is an opportunity for you to express your individuality. Must every story have a tattoo - your story. Something that I will be you forever. Make a lasting impression that you will be proud of. "
To make the tattoo is unique, you can add the names of flowers and birds or to the hearts of the Cross. Many people include the subject of Celtic because it does not end, such as curves and lines of Celtic cross.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Ini Dia.. 15 Makanan pendongkrak Imunitas

Berikut ini adalah beberapa jenis makanan sehat yang dapat Anda pilih untuk meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. Dengan mengonsumsinya secara tepat dan seimbang, kondisi tubuh Anda akan prima dan terhindar dari gangguan penyakit.
1. Tiram
Benarkah tiram mengandung zat yang merangsang birahi, atau meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh? Mungkin keduanya benar. Tiram mengandung mineral seng (zinc). Penelitian menunjukkan, asupan seng yang rendah berkaitan dengan infertilitas pria. Selain itu, kandungan mineral seng dalam tiram memiliki efek antivirus. Meski penelitian belum dapat menjelaskan prosesnya, mineral seng terbukti berperan besar dalam sistem imun, termasuk dalam penyembuhan luka.
2. Semangka
Selain mengandung banyak cairan dan menyegarkan, semangka yang telah matang juga memiliki kandungan antioksidan dan glutathione yang tinggi. Glutathione dikenal dapat membantu memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh sehingga dapat memerangi infeksi. Glutathione sendiri ditemukan dalam daging buah semangka yang merah.
3. Kubis
Selain semangka, kubis juga merupakan salah satu sumber glutathione yang berguna memperkuat sistem kekebalan. Kubis mudah ditemukan di setiap musim dan harganya murah. Cobalah menambahkan beberapa jenis kubis (putih, merah, china) pada sup dan minuman untuk meningkatkan nilai gizi dan sumber antioksidan dalam makanan Anda.
4. Kacang "almond"
Tahukah Anda, bila mengalami stres, maka hal itu sama artinya dengan menurunkan kekebalan tubuh? Cobalah segenggam almond untuk mengatasinya. Anda disarankan mengonsumsi 1/4 cangkir almond karena dalam takaran tersebut sudah mengandung 50 persen dari jumlah vitamin E yang dibutuhkan tubuh untuk membantu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan. Almond juga mengandung riboflavin dan niacin, vitamin B yang dapat membantu Anda bangkit kembali dari dampak stres.
5. Jeruk "grapefruit"
Kandungan vitamin C dalam grapefruit sangat tinggi dan baik untuk tubuh. Namun, hingga saat ini, riset belum dapat membuktikan bahwa Anda dengan mudah mencukupi kebutuhan vitamin C melalui makanan saja, tanpa suplemen, untuk membantu mengobati flu atau pilek. Meski begitu, jeruk grapefruit dapat menjadi pilihan karena mengandung flavonoid (senyawa kimia alami yang berguna meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh). Tidak suka jeruk grapefruit? Anda bisa coba jeruk biasa atau tangerin (jeruk keprok).
6. "Wheat germ"
Wheat germ adalah bagian inti dari benih gandum yang kaya akan zat gizi. Kandungan yang terdapat di wheat germ di antaranya adalah mineral seng, antioksidan, dan vitamin B; serta vitamin dan mineral penting lainnya. Wheat germ juga mengandung campuran serat, protein, dan beberapa lemak yang baik.
7. Yoghurt rendah lemak
Secangkir yoghurt setiap hari dapat menghindari tubuh Anda dari kedinginan. Carilah label yoghurt yang menuliskan "bakteri hidup dan kultur aktif". Beberapa peneliti percaya bahwa yoghurt dapat merangsang sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk melawan penyakit. Selain itu, studi terbaru tentang vitamin D terbaru telah menemukan hubungan antara kadar vitamin D rendah dan meningkatnya risiko kedinginan dan terkena flu.
8. Bawang putih
Bawang putih mengandung sejumlah antioksidan yang berguna dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk melawan H pylori, bakteri yang menyebabkan bisul dan kanker perut. Tips memasaknya adalah: kupas bawang putih, potong, dan biarkan 15 hingga 20 menit sebelum dimasak untuk mengaktifkan enzim yang berfungsi meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh.
9. Bayam
Bayam dikenal sebagai makanan super karena kaya nutrisi. Hal ini karena bayam mengandung folat yang membantu tubuh Anda memproduksi sel baru dan memperbaiki DNA. Bayam juga mengandung serat, antioksidan, seperti vitamin C, dan banyak lagi. Nutrisi bayam paling banyak didapat saat bayam dimakan mentah atau dimasak sebentar.
10. Teh
Anda suka teh hijau atau teh hitam? Tidak perlu ragu karena keduanya sama-sama mengandung polifenol dan flavonoid yang dapat melawan penyakit. Antioksidan yang terkandung dalam kedua jenis teh itu dapat menghancurkan radikal bebas.
11. Ubi jalar
Seperti halnya wortel, ubi jalar juga memiliki beta karoten-antioksidan yang melawan radikal bebas. Ubi jalar juga mengandung vitamin A yang berguna memperlambat proses penuaan dan dapat mengurangi risiko beberapa jenis kanker.
12. Brokoli
Sayuran yang mudah ditemukan di supermarket ini ternyata mengandung zat yang dapat meningkatkan kekebalan dasar tubuh. Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan, zat kimia alami dalam brokoli membantu merangsang sistem kekebalan tubuh. Plus, nutrisi yang melindungi tubuh Anda dari kerusakan. Selain itu, brokoli juga memiliki vitamin A, vitamin C, dan glutathione. Tips memasak: Anda dapat menambahkan lauk dengan brokoli yang diberi keju rendah lemak sehingga memperoleh vitamin B dan vitamin D yang berguna untuk meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh.
13. Jamur kancing
Bila Anda menganggap jamur sebagai makanan yang rendah gizi, Anda salah! Jamur memiliki kandungan mineral selenium dan antioksidan. Berdasarkan penelitian, rendahnya tingkat selenium dalam tubuh dapat meningkatkan risiko terjangkit flu yang lebih parah. Selain itu, kandungan riboflavin dan niacin yang terkandung dalam jamur kancing berperan penting dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh. Penelitian terhadap hewan menunjukkan bahwa jamur juga memiliki antivirus, antibakteri, dan efek anti-tumor.
14. "Acai berry"
Dikenal dengan istilah "makanan super", acai berry juga menghasilkan antioksidan seperti blueberry. Hanya, kandungan antioksidan acai berry lebih tinggi dan sering disebut anthocyanin. Meskipun acai berry tidak dapat dispesifikkan untuk memerangi penyakit tertentu, antioksidannya dipercaya dapat membantu tubuh Anda melawan penuaan dan penyakit. Acai berry paling sering ditemukkan dalam minuman jus atau smoothie atau yang dikeringkan dan dicampur granula (sereal).
15. "Elderberry"
Dalam sebuah studi yang dilakukan ditemukan bahwa ramuan yang terbuat dari ekstrak elderberry mampu memblok virus flu. Beberapa studi kecil yang dilakukan pada manusia menunjukkan bahwa bahan ini dapat membantu Anda lebih cepat pulih dari flu. Namun, para ilmuwan mengingatkan bahwa studi lebih lanjut masih diperlukan. Elderberry sendiri kaya antioksidan dan memiliki kemampuan untuk meredakan peradangan.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Every Good Female Tattoo Gallery Should Have Two Qualities

First, check if you have a member area where people can freely share their ideas and their photos. Seeing other people's artwork for styles like a great way to get your thoughts racing, which is always a good idea.

Next, check whether the "real" artists put their drawings on the female tattoo gallery. You can record the names and check the other things I've done with your search engine. It is also a way to find out where else could be producing the original artwork. Gallery, who is not afraid to say that artists submitting artwork eat in a place you can trust that things your site with generic junk.
Once you find a tattoo gallery that has these things, amazing selection of patterns become much more fun.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Cara Sehat gak Pake Mahal

Apakah sehat itu mahal ?? Sudah pasti, karena kesehatan sangat berharga. Tapi untuk mendapatkan sehat, Anda gak perlu keluar biaya mahal. Berikut beberapa trik cara sehat tanpa mahal...
1. Kumpul dengan teman
Khawatir terkena serangan jantung di masa tua? Jika demikian, jangan tampik tawaran teman-teman untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama. Penelitian para ahli dari Harvard School of Public Health menemukan bahwa pria berusia lanjut yang tetap aktif bergaul memiliki kondisi pembuluh darah yang lebih baik sehingga mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung, dibandingkan dengan rekannya yang "kuper".
2. Tarik napas
Sebuah penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Health Psychology menemukan bahwa orang dewasa muda yang punya rasa iri dan permusuhan memiliki fungsi paru lebih rendah. Hal itu terjadi jika campuran rasa iri, benci, serta permusuhan itu mengendap bertahun-tahun sehingga berdampak pada kesehatan. Untuk itu, mulailah belajar mengolah pernapasan. Tarik napas dalam, hitung sampai 10, lalu lepaskan. Anda akan merasa lebih rileks dan lepas.
3. Mandi matahari
Para ilmuwan akhir-akhir ini semakin memusatkan perhatian pada vitamin D yang ternyata punya banyak efek pencegahan penyakit. Mereka yang punya kadar vitamin D kurang dalam tubuhnya lebih beresiko terkena penyakit kanker, demensia, serta penyakit jantung. Karena itu, sisihkan waktu di pagi hari untuk berolahraga sambil berjemur di bawah matahari.
4. Bercinta
Anda tak perlu bercinta terlalu sering untuk mendapatkan manfaat hubungan seksual terhadap kesehatan. Peneliti dari Universitas Wilkes menemukan bahwa melakukan hubungan seksual satu atau dua kali dalam seminggu akan meningkatkan kadar imunoglobulin A, antibodi yang melindungi tubuh dari berbagai infeksi termasuk melawan flu.
5. Tidur
Ini merupakan cara yang mudah dan menyenangkan untuk sehat. Cukup dengan tidur, kemampuan tubuh untuk melawan penyakit akan meningkat. Bukan hanya itu, tidur cukup akan menaikkan kadar leptin, hormon yang menekan nafsu makan. Dengan demikian, berat badan pun lebih terjaga.
6. Olahraga aerobik
Termasuk orang yang sulit tidur? Lakukan olahraga jenis aerobik, seperti jogging, bersepeda, atau berenang. Penelitian menunjukkan, mereka yang rutin melakukan olahraga aerobik intensitas sedang memiliki kualitas tidur yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan mereka yang melakukan latihan beban.
7. Masturbasi
Dalam Journal of the American Medical Association tahun 2004 disebutkan pria yang ejakulasi 21 kali atau lebih dalam sebulan memiliki risiko terkena kanker prostat 33 persen lebih rendah. Hal ini terjadi karena ejakulasi secara teratur mungkin akan mengeluarkan atau membuang zat-zat kimia penyebab kanker.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sexy Nursing Maternity Bra with Tattoo

In this time team Full Body Tattoo was get a review about a candidate who happens to new mothers experiencing pregnancy new one month old, in that image of the mother's stomach is not too swollen but he forced himself to tattoo pregnant at the time, looks very sexy is not the prospective mother is pregnant with underwear and a bra that is designed for nursing mothers tribal tattoo on the thighs very well with the clothes in which he looks very fit

See Sexy Nursing Tatto with Maternity Bra, product let alone a bra that is used is very convenient to use specially designed for pregnant and lactating women in the breast tattoo really felt like everything was merged with the Maternity Bra she was wearing! concerns we may see a pregnant woman containing a tattoo of a tattoo. while women who are in these pictures will prove that tattoos is an art that can be made during pregnancy
Monday, July 12, 2010
Tattoo Pics - Plenty of Choice Here
Tattoos were once a sign of criminal jurisdiction or a criminal label to mean any wrong doing, particularly in Eastern history. In fact, many Japanese bathhouses and other businesses in the service sector is still outdated laws that do not allow patrons to receive service with a tattoo.
Choosing a tattoo
Taking a look at different pictures can help you decide what kind of body art to get for themselves. Tattoo images allow you to hone in concrete objects, shapes or designs that are attractive to you. Tattoo pictures can also serve as examples of what you want to avoid and what styles of art that you want to remove from the body art.
Tattoo parlors in Pics
Many tattoo parlors have killed for customers to view pictures as well. Inspection of tattoo photos from previous work done by artists in the house can give you an idea of its artistic detail and help you decide whether the salon is the right choice for you and your design.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Sacred Heart Tattoos - Sexy and Spiritual
It probably does not surprise you to learn that some people tattoo the most popular choice of religious symbols and icons. Get a picture of a tattoo of the Cross, for example, makes some Christians feel closer to God. For some Jews, can be the star of David intimate, indelible reminder of their heritage and history.
And is also linked to the Sacred Heart with a deep spiritual and cultural significance. It can be a symbol of sacrifice, a symbol of power, or a symbol of both. Meaning, just like your tattoo, is intensely personal.
First, make sure you are aware of the differences in costs. In general, colorful tattoos and much more expensive than the typical black tattoo - because most of the ink costs more, but also because the artist must take the time to switch equipment. If the cost may be a problem for you, you may want to consider in the selection of black ink.
Secondly, we must be aware of the threshold of pain. If you have a high tolerance for pain, and then maybe you can also choose a color tattoo. Because the artist and reload his gun at a time to change colors, and the process of getting a tattoo colored necessarily take longer than to get one single color, and shading can be complicated to make this difference more pronounced.
It is clear that there are many factors to consider when you're thinking about getting a tattoo of the Sacred Heart. This powerful image can be a source of pride, spiritual and aesthetic alike, regardless of where you get it or the number of colors you use, you will not regret this decision.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tattoo After Care - Caring For Your Tattoo

Will have been cleaned and tattoo artist tattoo and some disinfectant applied at the end of the session. This will keep your tattoo guard against infection until the removal of a protective bandage. And now up to you. It should be the original protective bandage to stay as long as possible. However, you do not want to leave to take off their clothes for several days. Let me explain, it's a good idea to keep the lid until you are ready to shower the next day.
Do not come home from the tattoo studio and jump directly to the bathroom. The next time you get in the bathroom, clean gently with soap and water using light only your finger tips. Purification of the area or to use soap, exfoliating is not good.

Make sure you have clean hands before touching or cleaning your tattoo. And keeping your hands clean means you will be virtually no possibility of any fears of infection. When you dry off after your shower do not rub, it is just dry and when the skin is completely dry, apply your protection.
And is usually sold as some kind of tattoo goo in most tattoo shops. There are many types of products available but not a necessity. All used by many people is a cheap perfume free moisturizer.
Many of the artists also indicate tube of ointment AD. And vitamin (a) and D in this ointment is good for healing the skin. For the first two days you can use the ointment m to maintain your tattoo bright and clean. Although many people recommend that all you need is a fragrance free moisturizer to keep the skim of drought and alleviate itching. Rubbing could damage the skin hard again so do not use only a gentle touch. Application solution gently into the whole area will do the trick.
There are some drinks that contain a formula that 24-hour time release. Time release formula helps skin to stay moist for almost of the day. You can choose to apply the cream is still in the times of operation during the day. Using a moisturizer after the shower, around the middle of the day, and before you go to sleep helps assist your tattoo in good condition. It's also rare that apply to the solution of so much, that can be applied more frequently if you want.
5-6 days is the average time that people find that they need to put on the cream, and use it for a little longer if it looks like you need to. Another alternative is to start with m ointment to keep your tattoo healthy, and then swap to the unscented moisturizer after 3-5 days. After getting a tattoo, your skin will be painful, so as not to irritate more than that with a product smell.
Remember to protect you tattoo with sunscreen when outdoors in the private sector. If you have someone outside of your tattoo is prone area, use a moisturizer with a built in sunscreen, and an SPF high. You do not just guard your tattoo, but keep your skin moist at the same time.
It is not necessary to cost you a lot to help in the healing of your tattoo and to continue to protect private investment. A little care and attention will keep your tattoo now infection free and looks good on the long term. Following this advice to help you care of your new tattoo without any worries.
Monday, July 5, 2010
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Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Tribal Arm Tattoos in the Modern World
In today's modern world of tattoos worn by men and women. Tribal art has survived until this very day, because the designs are so appealing. For example, a Celtic tribal tattoos are very popular. These patterns are usually very complex. For this reason it is important that you only go to the tattooist, who is very experienced. Celtic tribal tattoos are known for their articulation of faith. The whole purpose of this proposal is that it seems to be endless. Shoulder tattoos are intended to symbolize love or a relationship that does not end.

However, there is a blending of world cultures, it is quite acceptable to wear a tattoo just because you like it. You do not actually member of a particular culture or tribe. If you relate to the symbolism of tribal tattoo then you can wear it on your hands.
Tribal arm tattoos are usually very complex. This is the upper arm ideal for this particular type of tattoo. The general rule is a complex structure should be placed on the body, which is mostly muscle. This is the upper arm ideal location for tattoo designs. Tribal arm tattoos offer a wide range of designs. Even if the models are the modern day, upon a tradition of indigenous art. There can be no doubt that tribal arm tattoos are very popular. There is hardly a tattoo enthusiast who does not have one.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
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